Ive gone through the ranks and used Air Display, IDisplay and Splashtop, none of which gave the combination of responsiveness and picture quality as this app. The only con is that the iPad has to be plugged into your computer... Which is why the app works magically, so who cares?! Im running it on a Windows 8.1 laptop and could not be more happy. The quality is maxed out for your iPad resolution (can also be changed) and your pc stays at what you want. Movement on the iPad is super smooth so its literally just an extension of your screen. Playing 1080p YouTube is tough for it (will lag) but bring it down to 720 or 480 (barely tell on an iPad anyways) and it runs like a charm. Ran onto this app thinking Ill get suckered like the other screen extension apps but I was happy to find I was wrong. Definitely a recommend from me! Ps. Install was pretty easy, English is fairy good and understandable, took me all of 5 minutes to get the system up, no fiddling needed!
Jskxknxksosmd about TwomonUSB - Extended Display, v1.0.34