I have a Surface Pro 3 and want a reliable way to use my iPad as a second monitor. I was somewhat reluctant to buy this app after trying two others that didnt work (TeamView and Splashtop) on my home wireless network. I saw the terrible review Justin gave this app but after reading multiple reviews about how undependable wifi-based remote monitor apps are, and after seeing the video demo on the Twomon website, decided to risk the ten bucks for a USB-based remote monitor app.
I downloaded the Windows app, installed it and iTunes (which is required for connectivity), and since there was an option to create a Gmail account for "simple" connections (??) went ahead and created a throwaway gmail account just in case. Not sure if that did anything.
Then I bought and downloaded the iPad app from the App Store, connected the Surface Pro 3 to the iPad with the USB/lightning cable, and as promised the screen asked me if I wanted to connect. I touched "connect" and voila, I had a remote monitor that is displayed as such even on the Windows display settings. It works perfectly.
One precaution: the thing did change my screen resolution so I had to change it back to what I wanted.
Anyway this app works. It works the first time with zero hassles.
Ohio attorney about TwomonUSB - Extended Display